For EPR Protection, the profession of physical protection of individuals is above all a profession built on a comprehensive vision, blending techniques and values. This vision is based on a perfect understanding of current and future risks, the latest professional protection methods, and knowledge of the client to be protected.
This vision has enabled the company to differentiate its service offering by positioning it around four strong points.
In a sector where the necessary force is often emphasized, EPR Protection prioritizes intelligence. Each intervention by EPR Protection relies on a relevant study and approach to potential risks, enabling the implementation of solutions tailored to each situation, thus providing effective and efficient security to its clients.
A strong and differentiating position of EPR Protection: discretion as a method of intervention. Thanks to its industry expertise and 30 years of client experience, EPR Protection trains its agents to blend into the immediate environment of the individuals they are protecting. Their image, and that of EPR Protection, does not need to be highlighted. Only preserving and enhancing that of their client is important.
In line with this choice, respect for privacy is the primary value of the code of ethics established by EPR Protection. Before their first mission, all EPR Protection agents sign a confidentiality clause that imposes total secrecy on the content of their missions and on what they may see or hear. EPR Protection also commits to respecting this confidentiality clause in its communication policy.
Because risks are constantly evolving, EPR Protection is always attentive, in order to provide appropriate responses and adjust the training of its field agents. At EPR Protection, all agents, who already have a strong initial training, undergo continuous training, allowing them to face all emerging risks.