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It was in 1994, at the time when the Service of Protection of High Personalities was created in France by Charles Pasqua, then Minister of the Interior, that EPR Protection was founded. Its purpose was to respond to the demand for physical protection of individuals not covered by the ministerial decree.

For over 30 years now, EPR Protection has been working to ensure the physical integrity of its clients while respecting essential values: quality, seriousness, discretion.

The implementation of these values, the completion of complex missions, and the recognized skills of its teams have enabled it to be the French leader* in personal physical protection for many years.



EPR Protection, interventions focused on quality and seriousness, guarantees of success.

Since its creation, EPR Protection organizes all its missions based on a prior risk analysis that allows it to provide a secure response, tailored to the needs of each of its clients.

To achieve this, EPR Protection relies on teams of qualified collaborators specifically trained in the company’s methods.


For EPR Protection, it is the watchword.

  • First for its clients who wish to have an invisible service, and because a discreet protection agent is a more effective agent.
  • Next, for its intervention techniques, because techniques unknown to malicious individuals are the basis of successful physical protection.

Entirely dedicated since its origin to the physical protection of individuals, EPR Protection has never sought to develop its activities towards other missions, such as guarding, preferring to focus on its core business. This has allowed it to develop innovative and above all effective protection and support techniques, unanimously recognized by its clients.